Black Label Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml


Beverage type: Bourbon Whiskey | Alcohol Level: 40%

Bottle size: 750ml bottle Single | Product Origin: Kentucky


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Blanton’s Black is a rare 80-proof single-barrel bourbon whiskey, produced exclusively for the Japanese export market. It features an upgraded version of the Special Reserve, aged for an additional 2 years in the barrel for 8 years. This extra barrel ageing creates a complex, robust, and refined taste, making it a sophisticated example of Blanton’s single barrel caliber. This Japanese exclusive Blanton’s Black Edition is a statement piece for collectors and enthusiasts alike.

Tasting Notes

Nose: Spiced. Grainy sweetness. Some vanilla and caramel butter.

Taste: Light, balanced, delicately gentle. Toffee, dried peels.

Finish: Smooth, medium length with a hint of spice.


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